Sunday, February 19, 2012

Joy and metamorphisis (the Loving Cup)

This a design inspired by two elements from eastern and western symbology. The papagallo represents the joy of life, the cherry blossoms are the changing of times and how every metamorphisis bring somyhing diffrent but equally beautifull.
this is a small painting I did in june 2011 on Fabriano paper
jev cosimo, joshua cosimo
this is a painting from my wundergarten series it is 1 meter by 1 meterjev cosimo, joshua cosimo

jev cosimo, joshua cosimo
 Together they formed the base for this design
jev cosimo, joshua cosimo

This is a step by step process of every screen the first black and white designs are to lay out the framework for the successive colors. I register everything by eye so each element has to interlock without showing breaks. 

 The printing process is layered to soften certain details of the image. Each pass of color builds the surface making it rich and painterly.

 The grey is printed before the red of the cherries. After the red is printed the grey areas become redd tinted shadows on the fruit.

 The birds and the flowers are handled with seperate sets of screens, They where designed in two diffrent stages. The yellow of the ribbon is printed with a slightly more saturated color to make it subtley diffrent from the ribbon running through the cherry blossoms.

 A dark blue-grey is added to create soft shadows on the foliage in the center of the composition.

jev cosimo, joshua cosimo

 the final touch is the hi-lights on the cherries. It is printed with semi opaque colors that block out all underlying printing.

jev cosimo, joshua cosimo
The print is a repeat pattern composed of two diverse images that were cobined to form a running border that can continue indefiantly. The printing is made up of 30 diffrent passes with overlapping colors that when printed correctly make an unbroken design. I took these pictures while printing a sample of 2 meters the repeat is every 85 centemeters for a full repetition of 1 meter 15 centemeters.