Sunday, September 30, 2012

sketchville 2 the electric boogaloo

 When keeping a sketchbook I tend to just open a page and work on it. It really does not matter if there is something else drawn or written. I respond to and create images that are richly layered and organically formulated.This volume ended in a little after I moved to Italy and includes some amendments as well a copious amounts of cock.
joshua cosimo sketchbook
Steak fingers and gravy (one families genetic curse)

joshua cosimo sketchbook
(prolapse) Why do all the drawings you do look so similar??

joshua cosimo sketchbook
Feel Better

joshua cosimo sketchbook
horse hung

your bob keeps stabbing me in the side of the face

joshua cosimo sketchbook
mild resurrections

joshua cosimo sketchbook
Doe eyes and knocked knees.

joshua cosimo sketchbook
She single?

joshua cosimo sketchbook
italian knitwear

joshua cosimo sketchbook
Happy Birthday

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